Police Vehicle Customization (2025)

Currently, the appearances of all law enforcement vehicles are able to be customized.

Note: List of all police vehicle models can be found here.


  • 1 Vehicle Packages
    • 1.1 Overview
    • 1.2 Standard
    • 1.3 Ghost
    • 1.4 Undercover
    • 1.5 SWAT
    • 1.6 Supervisor
    • 1.7 Custom Liveries
    • 1.8 Vehicle Rim Covers
    • 1.9 Unmarked Plate
  • 2 Vehicle Lightings
    • 2.1 Overview
    • 2.2 Main Lights
    • 2.3 Rear Lights
    • 2.4 Additional Lighting
  • 3 Vehicle Rambar (Push-Bar)
    • 3.1 Overview
    • 3.2 Compatibility
    • 3.3 Rambar Equipped
    • 3.4 Rambar Unequipped
    • 3.5 Wraparound Rambar Equipped
    • 3.6 Christmas Wreath Equipped
  • 4 Gamepass

Vehicle Packages[]


Vehicle packages are the textures on vehicles. There are currently 4 texture packages. List of them and the applicable vehicles are below:


Police Vehicle Customization (1)

The standard package has regular textures that contains the livery art, as well as police or sheriff markings on the side. This texture is easy to spot with the distinct markings.


Police Vehicle Customization (2)

The Ghost package is a package that gives the vehicles stealthier appearances. The text markings will still exist on the side, but they are not as visible as the regular packages. These vehicles can also be colored unlike the regular package, and can be used with the slicktop lighting package. This requires the rank Captain to be unlocked in both the police and sheriff departments.


Police Vehicle Customization (3)

The Undercover package removes all police markings and liveries in order to appear as a regular civilian vehicle. It will have all functions of a law enforcement vehicle. It can also be equipped and unequipped with law enforcement features such as spotlight and rambar. This requires the Detective Gamepass in order to be used.


Police Vehicle Customization (4)

The SWAT package is a package that reworks the livery. It will have a "SWAT" marking on the sides and will be equipped with all regular law enforcement equipment. This requires the SWAT Gamepass in order to be used, and it can only be equipped in certain vehicles.


The Supervisor is a package that adds a Supervisor marking in the front of the vehicle. It is available at the rank Major.

Custom Liveries[]

Police Vehicle Customization (5)

As of the August 8, 2021 update, players are now able to make their own personal liveries. They can use image decals to create or change the color. This affects most police vehicles and requires the "Custom Livery Pack" upgrade for a private server. User-generated liveries must be approved by the ER:LC moderation system, unless it is just the color changed or has the pre-approved livery's on it (Livery's listed in the discord in #bulletin-board or were approved in the #livery-designs channel.)

Vehicle Rim Covers[]

Players who have the Police Customization Gamepass have access to the rim cover. This makes the vehicle's rim color grey to blend in with civilian vehicles, making it more stealthy. Without equipping the wheel cover or players without access, their rim color will remain black. The SWAT Bearcat and the Chevlon Commuter Van SSV does not have access to this.

Unmarked Plate[]

Players who have the Detective Gamepass have access to the unmarked plate customization option. This makes the vehicle's license plate have the civilian lettering and color and helps unmarked vehicles blend in with civilian vehicles, making it more stealthy. To enable the unmarked plate option you will have to use the undercover texture.

Vehicle Lightings[]


Vehicle lightings are the lighting options on vehicles. There are currently 8 main light options, 3 rear lighting options and 4 additional lighting options.

Main Lights[]

The 8 main light options consist of 8 lightbars and 1 other. The 8 lightbars include the Edge lightbar, the Integrity lightbar, the nForce lightbar, the Liberty lightbar, the Valor lightbar, the Arjent lightbar, the Legacy lightbar, and finally, the LED rotary lightbar. The Integrity lightbar is the default. The one other type of main lighting is the visor lights option, this option adds lights to the top of the windshield, and removes any lightbar.

Rear Lights[]

The 4 rear light options include spoiler lights, window lights, pillar lights (fictionalized SUVs / trucks only) and none. Spoiler lights are small lights on the spoiler of the vehicle, and window lights are larger lights inside the back window of the vehicle. the "none" option removes any rear lights.

Additional Lighting[]

The 5 additional lighting options are mirror lights, side runners, side window lights, under mirror lights, and plate lights. Mirror lights add small lights onto the front of the rear-view mirrors, side runners add a line of lights along the lower sides of the vehicle. Side window lights add lights inside the passenger windows of the vehicle, and finally plate lights add small lights either side of the license plate.

Vehicle Rambar (Push-Bar)[]


Rambars can be equipped or unequipped if the player has the Police Customization Gamepass, in order to look more stealthy or appear more aggressively. Rambars will affect the ability to PIT Maneuver during a pursuit. List of the customization options are below:

  • Rambar equipped
  • Rambar unequipped
  • Wraparound Rambar equipped


Rambars are able to be equipped on all law enforcement vehicles, excluding:

  • Chevlon Commuter Van
  • Mobile Command
  • SWAT Truck

Rambar Equipped[]

Rambars will be equipped by default on all compatible vehicles other than the Undercover package. This makes the vehicle look more aggressive.

Rambar Unequipped[]

Rambars can be unequipped if the player owns the Police Customization Gamepass. This will make vehicles look less aggressive, but somewhat stealthier.

Wraparound Rambar Equipped[]

The wraparound Rambar is an addition to the normal Rambar. When the wraparound Rambar is equipped, the Rambar will surround the vehicle's bumper, making the vehicle look more aggressive. It does not, however, improve the stats or probability of a normal pit manoeuvre, it is purely additional cosmetic to the equipped default Rambar. This requires the Police Customization Gamepass to access this.

Christmas Wreath Equipped[]

The Christmas wreath is an equippable cosmetic customization that doesn't require the Police Customization Gamepass. The rambar must be equipped in order for a player to apply this. The Christmas wreath was added for Winter 2023.


All Gamepasses that can affect the appearance of a law enforcement vehicle are listed below:

  • Police Customization Gamepass - 400 ROBUX
  • Detective Gamepass - 300 ROBUX
  • SWAT Gamepass - 750 ROBUX
Police Vehicle Customization (2025)


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Author: Roderick King

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Author information

Name: Roderick King

Birthday: 1997-10-09

Address: 3782 Madge Knoll, East Dudley, MA 63913

Phone: +2521695290067

Job: Customer Sales Coordinator

Hobby: Gunsmithing, Embroidery, Parkour, Kitesurfing, Rock climbing, Sand art, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Roderick King, I am a cute, splendid, excited, perfect, gentle, funny, vivacious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.