Law Enforcement Vehicles (2025)

Law Enforcement Vehicles are vehicles exclusive to the RCPD/LCSO teams that officers/deputies are able to drive. Several vehicles are able to be chosen from, some unlocked by rank, others buyable with the in-game cash. All vehicles (except the SWAT Bearcat) are also able to be customized by the Police Customization Gamepass, where players are able to change the appearance of the vehicle. Detective Gamepass and SWAT Gamepass give the option to customize liveries of some vehicles. There are currently 24 vehicles.

Note: Information about cosmetic law enforcement vehicle upgrades can be found here.

Vehicle Models

Prime EquesCadet/RecruitStandard, Ghost, Undercover1.75
Captain PPV$19,500Standard, Ghost, Undercover3
Prancer PursuitOfficer/DeputyStandard, Ghost, Undercover3.5
Falcon Interceptor Sedan$22,000Standard, Ghost, Undercover3
2008 Chevlon Camion PPV$21,500Standard, Ghost, Undercover2.75
Falcon Interceptor Utility 2013$38,900Standard,Ghost,Undercover
Falcon Interceptor UtilityCorporalStandard, Ghost, Undercover3
Camion PPV$34,500Standard, Ghost, Undercover, SWAT2.75
Falcon Advance SSV$38,000Standard, Ghost, Undercover, SWAT2.5
SWAT BearcatCorporal, SWAT GamepassSWAT2
2011 Bullhorn Prancer Pursuit$37,850Standard, Ghost, Undercover3
Stallion 350 Intercepter$49,000Standard, Ghost, Undercover3.75
Chevlon Commuter VanSergeantStandard, Undercover,


Chevlon Platoro PPVLieutenantStandard, Ghost, Undercover2.75
2020 Falcon Interceptor UtilityLieutenantStandard, Ghost, Undercover3
2022 Bullhorn Determinator SFP FuryLieutenantStandard, Ghost, Undercover4.2
Bullhorn BH15 SSV$48,500Standard, Ghost, Undercover2.5
BKM Munich$57,700Standard, Ghost, Undercover3.25
Bullhorn Pueblo PursuitCaptainStandard, Ghost, Undercover3.2
Prancer Widebody PursuitMajorStandard, Ghost, Undercover4.75
2011 Chevlon Amigo ZL1 (LE)MajorStandard, Ghost, Undercover4.05
2021 Chevlon Camion PPVMajorStandard, Ghost, Undercover2.8
Corbeta TZ PPVColonelStandard, Ghost, Undercover4.25
Mobile CommandCommander/Chief DeputyStandard3.5
2022 Falcon Traveller SSV$92,000Standard, Ghost, Undercover2.8
Emergency Services Falcon Advance+ 2020$189,000Standard, SWAT
2024 Falcon Advance Bolt$59,500 + Electric Vehicles GamepassStandard, Slicktop, Ghost, Undercover

Visual and Audible Features

All police vehicles have law enforcement features included in them. The purpose of these is to alert traffic.

On public servers, the police vehicles’ lights are the typical red and blue emergency lighting system. On private servers, the owner has the option of having the typical red/blue lights or customizing the lights to all red or all blue to sheriff and police. The Custom ELS pack allows for private server owners to customize the ELS patterns of the vehicles.

Main Lights
Cruise LightsSteady non flashing lights on both ends of light bars for standard vehicles, beneath the doors (slick tops) and on the front grille and or side mirrors for unmarked vehicles.Extra visibilityUnable to be used with sirens
Rear LightsFlashing lights on the rear of the vehicle.Traffic CautionUnable to be used with sirens
Full emergency lights activatedFull flashing lights on all lights of the vehicle.Traffic caution, Code 2 Response (no sirens)or Code 3 Response (lights and sirens)Able to be used with sirens

Traffic advisory lights are the yellow lights that are located on the rear side of the light bar and/or the rear window of the vehicle. The main purpose of these lights is for driver caution.

Traffic Advisory (TA) Lights
Left TA LightsYellow lights on the vehicle light bar/rear window continuously running from right to left.Directing traffic flow to the left
Split TA LightsYellow lights on the vehicle light bar/rear window continuously running from the center to left and right.Directing traffic flow to either sides
Right TA LightsYellow lights on the vehicle light bar/rear window continuously running from left to right.Directing traffic flow to the right
Flashing TA LightsFlashing yellow lights on the vehicle light bar/rear window continuously flashing with pattern.Blocking traffic

Visual support lights are white lights that helps officers visually identify some things or person, especially when visibility is poor.

Visual Support Lights
Left/Right Alley LightsBright lights on the side of the light bar and on the siderunners.Searching/locating suspects in dim areas such as dark alleys.
Take Down LightsBright lights on the front of the light bar.Increasing brightness on the front of the vehicle, used mostly during traffic stops at night.
Spot LightsTurnable small lights near the left mirror.Serves the purpose of alley lights and take down lights, but able to be adjusted and turn right or left.

Sirens are used to alert drivers of the presence of the officer. They are able to be heard from far away, which helps drivers react quickly. Police and sheriff have different siren noises, which helps players identify the department of the vehicle from far away.

ManualManually controllable sirens that make high/low-pitched noise.Able to be used without lights
AutoSirens that automatically mixes airhorn, wail, yelp, and priority siren tones. Highly effective for alerting drivers.Must be used with lights
WailA "wailing" siren. Slowly reaches from low-pitch to high-pitch, then back to low-pitch.Must be used with lights, can be used with yelp/priority
YelpA "yelping" siren. Reaches its high-pitch point significantly faster than the wail siren, but slower than the priority siren.Must be used with lights, can be used with wail only
PriorityA siren that reaches its high-pitch to low-pitch points rapidly, faster than both wail and yelp.Must be used with lights, can be used with wail only

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Law Enforcement Vehicles (2025)


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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.